Hello everyone and Happy St. Patrick's Day! I know that it seems unusual that I am writing another blog entry so close to my last one! But that's good right? I actually have something really important that I want to talk about. Two words: Earth Hour.
Earth Hour is an event sponsored by the World Wildlife Foundation that takes place each year. Earth Hour is a simple event to participate in. On March 27th, from 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm (your local time), simply turn off your lights. Sounds too simple right? Well, it is. But if you turn off your lights, and your neighbors turn off theirs, and you each tell others about it, and your city turns off their lights and then other cities turn off their lights, and eventually the whole state turns of their lights, etc. You see where I am going with this. Millions of people are going to take part in this, in over 4,000 cities around the world - to show that we are all fighting against climate change. There is a huge push for as many people in America to participate to show that we are fighting for a cleaner air, independence from foreign oil, and green jobs. We want to show the world that we can lead through a crisis such as global warming and climate change. I encourage each of you to go to http://www.myearthhour.org/earth-hour-video. You can also check out this site by clicking on Earth Hour underneath my favorite websites on the side panel. By checking out this website, you can learn more about what is happening to our planet and how we can fight against climate change.
Let me know if you are participating, and if you know of any others that are participating as well. Let's show the world that it doesn't matter what country or city you are from, but that we all share the same planet.
2 days ago
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